Google Pixel 9 Pro XL has been spotted on a Geekbench listing powered by an octa-core processor. The smartphone series is expected to launch globally later this year, replacing the Pixel 8 lineup. However, the tech giant is speculated to shake up the trend it set in previous years by launching three smartphones this year – the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and the Pixel 9 Pro XL, the latter of which is likely to be an all-new inclusion. Its recent listing on Geekbench suggests the moniker and sheds light on some specifications such as the RAM and benchmark scores.
Google Pixel 9 Pro XL on Geekbench
The Pixel 9 Pro XL was listed on Geekbench on June 17, just days after the Pixel 9's listing surfaced. It is speculated to be the first-ever mention of the Pixel 9 Pro XL moniker. The smartphone is reported as having a "komodo" motherboard based on Arm architecture and a "sched_pixel" governor.
As per the listing, the handset has 16GB RAM and runs on Android 14. Furthermore, it is said to be powered by an octa-core processor with a primary core operating at 3.10 GHz, three mid-cores operating at 2.60 GHz, and four cores capped at 1.95 GHz. Notably, leaks have suggested that this chip may be the Google Tensor G4 SoC.
The listing shows 1,950 points in single-core testing and 4,655 points in multi-core testing, which is slightly better than Pixel 8 Pro's 1,751 and 4,384 single and multi-core scores respectively.
Google Pixel 9 Pro XL specifications (expected)
The Google Pixel 9 Pro XL is said to feature a 6.73-inch AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. It may ship with Android 15 and Tensor G4 SoC and have 16GB RAM and 128GB in-built storage. As per a previous report, it may ditch the visor-shaped camera module in favour of a pill-shaped bar.
Live images of the Pixel 9 series were leaked online a few months ago which hint at a matte back and glossy frame.
from Gadgets 360