The much-discussed film The Sabarmati Report, directed by Dheeraj Sarna, will soon be available for online streaming. This political drama, featuring Vikrant Massey in the lead, originally hit theatres on November 15, 2024. It revolves around the aftermath of the 2002 Godhra train incident in Gujarat, capturing the journey of a journalist determined to uncover hidden truths. From January 11, viewers can watch this film on Zee5.
When and Where to Watch The Sabarmati Report
The digital premiere of The Sabarmati Report is set for January 11 on Zee5. This platform brings the film to a wider audience after its theatrical release. The story follows Samar Kumar, portrayed by Vikrant Massey, a journalist who investigates the Godhra train tragedy. Through his findings, a deeper conspiracy involving powerful individuals comes to light, making his journey perilous. Years later, reporter Amrita Gill, played by Raashii Khann,a unearths Samar's suppressed report, reigniting the pursuit of justice and uncovering layers of corruption.
Official Trailer and Plot of The Sabarmati Report
The trailer of The Sabarmati Report highlights its tense narrative and gripping performances. The plot centres on Samar Kumar's investigation into the 2002 tragedy, with his revelations threatening the status quo. Despite efforts to suppress his findings, they resurface years later through Amrita Gill, who collaborates with Samar's work to expose a conspiracy that involves influential individuals willing to go to great lengths to conceal the truth. The film's narrative blends suspense, drama, and a critical look at political machinations.
Cast and Crew of The Sabarmati Report
The Sabarmati Report boasts a strong ensemble cast. Vikrant Massey stars as journalist Samar Kumar, while Raashii Khanna plays Amrita Gill, the reporter determined to bring his suppressed findings to light. Riddhi Dogra appears as Manika Rajpurohit, adding complexity to the narrative. Dheeraj Sarna directs the film, with production by Ekta Kapoor, Shobhaa Kapoor, and Zee Studios.
Reception of The Sabarmati Report
The film sparked significant conversations and controversies post-release. Declared tax-free in several states, it drew attention for its portrayal of sensitive events. While some praised its daring approach, others criticised its narrative choices. It had an underwhelming box office performance and currently has an IMDb rating of 6.6 / 10.
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