Ultrahuman Rare was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 in Las Vegas on Tuesday. The Bengaluru-based startup says it is a luxury smart ring crafted from hallmarked gold or silver with a variety of finishes available, depending on the model chosen. Ultrahuman Rare boasts features similar to other smart rings in the market, including photoplethysmography (PPG) and six-axis motion sensors, a heart rate tracker, and a sleep indicator. This luxury smart ring joins Ultrahuman Air in the company's lineup of smart wearables.
Ultrahuman Rare Price
Ultrahuman Rare price starts at GBP 1,500 (roughly Rs. 1,61,000) and goes up to GBP 1,800 (roughly Rs. 1,93,000). It will be available for purchase by mid-January in Printemps, Paris and Selfridges, London.
The luxury smart ring will be offered in three finishes — Desert Rose, Desert Snow, and Dune.
Ultrahuman Rare Specifications
According to Ultrahuman, the Desert Rose and Dune finishes of the Ultrahuman Rare are crafted from 18K rose gold and 18K gold, respectively. It is hallmarked by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and sourced from refineries approved by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). The Desert Snow finish features an intricate rose-like formation of crystal clusters of gypsum or baryte, forming a circular array of flat plates. Meanwhile, the Dune colourway has finely crafted grooves which bring a brushed finish.
Ultrahuman Rare's Desert Snow variant comprises 95 percent Platinum which is crafted from PT950 platinum, as per the company. It has a frosted finish which Ultrahuman claims resembles snowflakes.
For health and fitness tracking, the luxury smart ring features various sensors. It has a PPG sensor for heart rate monitoring and ix-axis motion sensors. The company claims with Ultrahuman Rare, users can keep a check on key health indicators such as sleep, movement, heart rate, heart variability (HRV), skin temperature, and stress.
from Gadgets 360 https://ift.tt/Eun36SA