Flipkart and Amazon have announced their sale extravaganza, which is due to start this weekend on October 8. Ahead of the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale and Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale, Kodak has introduced new smart TVs. For its Matrix 4K QLED TV series, which includes 50-inch, 55-inch, 60-inch and 70-inch display screens, Kodak has launched a new 43-inch display variant. It is powered by a Cortex A53 processor and gets 40W speakers. Meanwhile, for its Ultra HD 4K LED Smart Google TV series, the company has introduced a 55-inch screen size model.
The new Kodak 43-inch Matrix 4K QLED TV is available for purchase on Amazon at just Rs. 26,982, at a 16 percent discount on its MRP of Rs. 31,999. It offers a 60Hz refresh rate with 16:9 aspect ratio. The smart TV is equipped with a Cortex A53 processor, along with packing 2GB RAM and 16GB storage.
The new Kodak TV has a built-in Chromecast and Airplay. It can be operated with a remote, which gets a voice integration feature. The 43-inch Matrix 4K QLED TV sports 3 HDMI and 2 USB ports, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and ethernet connectivity support. It runs Google TV with support for Google Assistant. For convenience, it can also be mounted on the wall.
Meanwhile, the 55-inch Ultra HD 4K LED Smart Google TV from the CA Pro series of Kodak can now be purchased on Amazon and Flipkart at just Rs. 32,999. It is powered by a MediaTek processor, coupled with Cortex A53 Quad Core GPU and Mali 450 GPU. With a bezel-less design, the device offers a 60Hz refresh rate and 500nits of peak brightness.
It packs 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. The rest of the features are similar to the above-mentioned model. It measures 1240 X 780 X 290mm and weighs 10.5kg.
Apart from these, Kodak is also offering huge discounts on several other smart TVs.
from Gadgets 360 https://ift.tt/XCice81