Vivo has announced the India launch date for Funtouch OS 14. The OS update, based on Android 14, will be rolling out to Vivo and iQoo users in India on October 7, starting 12 pm. The news comes days after Vivo announced the Funtouch OS 14 based on Android 14 Preview Program for X90 Pro users. While the company has not revealed the updates and changes that will come along the Funtouch OS 14, it has promised to provider a 'smoother experience'. Vivo is also yet to announce the smartphones which will be eligible to receive the update.
In a X (formerly Twitter) post, Vivo has announced to launch Funtouch OS 14 update, based on Android 14, in India on October 7. The OS update will begin rolling out to eligible Vivo and iQoo users starting 12pm IST. However, the company has neither revealed the smartphones which will receive the update, nor has it shared any information about the changes or upgrades.
Replying to a query regarding the roll out of update on Vivo V27e, the company said that users will receive notification on their smartphones automatically if the update is available for their handset. Further details regarding the update are expected to be revealed on October 7.
In September, OnePlus also announced Android 14-based OxygenOS 14 Open Beta 2 to supported handsets. The OS update by OnePlus introduces Trinity Engine, which handles situations like multitasking, heavy lifting, and extended usage. For security, it gets the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)-based Device Security Engine 3.0.
The OxygenOS 14 update will start rolling out to smartphones in October, while a few handsets will receive it in November. The first model to receive a stable OxygenOS 14 update will be the flagship OnePlus 11 5G.
from Gadgets 360